Friday, September 21, 2012

Always Read the Label

A co-worker comes into the office this morning.  This is our conversation.

Me:  Dude, your eyes are seriously red.  Are you high?
Co-worker:  No, they've been pretty irritated for a few days now.
Me:  Have you seen a doctor?
Co-worker: No, but my wife gave me some old eye drops that she had at the house.
Me:  They're not working.
Co-worker: I know, I think it's actually made it worse.
Me:  Let me see those eye drops.
(I examine the bottle)
Me:  Ummm, these are ear drops.
Co-worker: No they're not!
Me:  It says so, right here on the bottle.
(I show him the bottle and he squints his eyes and reads it)
Co-worker: Yeah, but a lot of antibiotics will work for ears and eyes.  That's normal.
Me:  Maybe, but it says in great big red letters "FOR EARS ONLY".
(Again, I show him the bottle)
Co-worker: Hold on a minute.
(He takes out his phone and calls his wife)
Co-worker: B*%$#, are you trying to kill me?!

Whoops, time for me to leave.

Don't judge me,
Opus T. Penguin


A message? For me? But I didn't get you anything!